“Mister Knockout”. Artyom Mikhalkov shoots a story about a legendary Soviet boxer
28 june 2019 · News

Artem Mikhalkov, son of a famous Russian Oscar-winning director Nikita Mikhalkov, shoots a biopic about a Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko. In the 60s, the athlete won the Olympic gold in Tokyo and more than once became the first in the competitions of the USSR and Europe, so he was admired not only in his homeland, but throughout the world.

GM Production actor Ulrich Günther was cast in the role of the German coach, and the main roles are played by famous Russian actors Victor Khorinyak and Sergey Bezrukov. Ulrich has already worked several shifts on the project and shared a couple of shots from the set.

The release of the film is planned for 2020 when the Summer Olympics will be held in Japan. The exact date of the premiere is still unknown. Filming will take place in several countries - Russia, Uzbekistan, Poland and Japan.