Michael Epp will play in Bekmambetov's new film “V2. Escape from Hell”
14 march 2020 · News

Shooting of a new film by Timur Bekmambetov about the exploit of the Devyatayev group began in Kronstadt. The script is based on the book by Mikhail Devyatayev "Escape from Hell." Michael Epp, our actor from Germany, will play the role of a Gestapo.
This is the story of the pilot Mikhail Devyatayev, who escaped from Nazi captivity in a hijacked plane in February 1945. Devyatayev’s group not only saved their lives but also brought crucial information. Learning about the Nazis secret training ground where ballistic missiles are being developed, the Allies bombed the training ground, destroying the last hope of the Nazis to win.

“This is an amazing story that is very hard to believe. So, Soviet investigators of 12 years did not understand how a gaunt man weighing 36 kilograms could lift a plane into the air. But if he didn’t, then the war would probably end in a completely different way, ” said director Timur Bekmambetov.

The release of the movie is scheduled for 2021. According to official sources,there will be two versions of the picture. In the Russian box office it will be called "Devyatayev", in the international - "V2: Escape From Hell".