Yuliia Sobol played the leading role in the Italian drama “L'ultimo piano”
14 may 2020 · News

The film L'ultimo piano (‘Across the threshold’) was officially released in Italy, in which Yuliia Sobol played the leading role. 9 talented directors participated in the creation. They all graduated from the most prestigious school of cinematography in Rome - Gian Maria Volontee.

The lives of several young residents are intertwined on the top floor of a dilapidated building: Diana (Yuliia Sobol) is a first-year law student who came to Italy a few years earlier with her father from Ukraine. Mattia is working all day and all night delivering food. Flora works in a local bar and fights for the return of her son raised by father. Aurelio, the owner of the house, a former punk singer lives in the past. Dominated by a hopeless future, they will face an unexpected event that will challenge their lives ...

The film in Italian can be viewed here: https://www.raiplay.it/programmi/lultimopiano