Veronica Lukyanenko will return to “Papanki”
05 august 2020 · News

Shooting of the third season of the series "Papanki" (Dads) started for the Ukranian channel STB started on July 28. This is a series about the life of four friends who chill together, learn to raise children and help each other out. They have to constantly deal with funny situations with their children in which dads often find themselves. Veronica Lukyanenko plays a daughter in the Malyshev family in the series.

It was decided to do the third season in a country style. All the heroes will gradually move out of town for the summer - someone of their own free will, someone will be forced by circumstances. Many love triangles, uneasy family relationships and a few new characters are planned. In every family there will be doubts, disagreements and obstacles, the TV channel reports.
The first season consisted of 16 episodes and was a great success. The story, themed on “Sex and the City”, but turned inside out and fit into Ukrainian realities, appealed to the audience, which meant that a sequel was inevitable.
The premiere of the series "Papanki-3" will be aired on STB in spring of 2021.