Evgeniya Akhremenko began filming in the detective melodrama "Samozvanka"
01 september 2020 · News

Evgeniya Akhremenko began filming in the detective melodrama directed by Alexey Bystritsky "The Pretender" (Russian ‘Samozvanka’). The production is carried out by the film company Alyans Production.

“If you do not reveal the details of the plot, then I play such an ironic conductor, many different people pass through her. She senses them and understands who is in front of her, even before they give her a passport and a ticket, - says Evgeniya about her character and the history in general. “This is a thrilling story that will keep people on their toes until the very end, but there is also drama and melodrama and а detective part- in general, there is everything.”