Mariya Yanycheva will take part in the filming of Danila Kozlovsky's new project "Karamora"
07 october 2020 · News

Danila Kozlovsky began filming a new project "Karamora". GM Production actress Mariya Yanycheva will appear in the feature film about an alternative pre-revolutionary Russia of the early 20th century.
The genre combines action, thriller and steampunk. A young Russian anarchist nicknamed Karamora (Kozlovsky) loses his beloved in a clash with a presented organization that defends the interests of those who have ruled the world for centuries. Now he is ready to do anything to avenge his lost love. Revealing the main secret of the enemy, Karamora understands that the strength of those whom he opposes is far beyond human capabilities.
“The plot is partially based on the literary works of Russian authors of the“ Silver Age ”, permeated with decadence, mysticism and a premonition of an imminent revolution. Crazy folk legends may turn out to be true, and familiar historical figures surprise the postmodernist with humor, ” commented the creators of the film, which will appear on the cinema screens next year.