'Surrogate Mother' with Zhenya Akhremenko in roles will be released on Domashnyy TV Channel
03 march 2021 · News

Another premiere with Zhenya Akhremenko in roles will be released on Domashnyy TV Channel this spring. This time the actress played one of the main roles in the 4-episode melodrama “Surrogate Mother”.

The plot revolves around one married couple, Liza and Maxim, who dream of a child, but circumstances force them to seek the services of a surrogate mother. Then Alena appeared in their life, who ran away from her abuser husband and now wants to return her son ... She has no money to pay for Maxim's services, but she can become a surrogate mother and give the spouses the happiness of becoming parents ... But is it that simple? Maxim is falling in love with Alena and Liza's best friend Nadya begins to suspect that she is hiding something ...
The role of Nadya, the best friend of the main character, is played by Evgenia Akhremenko:
“My character does not trust this whole story from the very beginning, she tries to persuade her friend not to do it, but events continue to develop. I have a very strong family, a husband, two children, and it seems to me that everything is cool and you won't find fault with anything. But fate shows - never say never because everything is changing in my life upside down and my character begins to understand that sometimes life is not what it seems ”.

Will a surrogate mother help a young family find the long-awaited happiness of motherhood or, on the contrary, destroy it? With whom will Maxim stay - with his wife or with a young beauty who carries his child? ...