Andrey Nesterenko, Artyom Nemov and Stepan Lapin started filming in the melodrama "I'll take your family"
28 september 2021 · News

Kievtelefilm has begun work on 16-episode melodrama ‘I Will Take Your Family’ for Ukraina TV channel. Andrey Nesterenko will play one of the main roles in the film. Stepan Lapin and Artem Nemov will also appear in significant roles.

The film is directed by Sergei Shcherbin. Yana Romanenko's story tells about the life of a young woman Elena and her family. She is completely devoted to her family, turning a blind eye to the antics of her husband and her own mother. However, at some point this plays a cruel joke on her - she realizes that the household absolutely does not appreciate her care and feels extremely devastated.
The heroine's younger sister, Rita, who was released from prison, adds fuel to the fire. Spoiled from childhood, not adapted to life and resourceful - she decides to finally "poison" Elena's life, in every possible way turning her children against her. This turns into another tragedy and aggravates family relationships so much that the woman decides to commit suicide. But then she is saved by a stranger named Mikhail, who is not far from her on the unfortunate bridge. Having saved Elena's life, he invites her to conclude a deal with him and infiltrate the office of his longtime enemy and business rival under the guise of a new employee in order to obtain important commercial information for him.
Realizing that she has nothing to lose, the main character agrees with all the conditions put forward and joins the “game”. However, soon she finds herself between two fires and does not even know what this "espionage" will turn out to be for her.
Filming takes place in Kiev and Kiev region and will last until November of this year inclusive.