Actresses of GM Production Agency to take part at the International Actors Forum in London Casting Bridge
11 november 2021 · News

The actresses will take part in round tables, master classes and have the opportunity to introduce themselves to casting directors and agents from the UK
On December 1 and 2, the Chelsea Theater will host the 4th Casting Bridge International Actors Forum within the framework of the Russian Film Week in the UK. Lada Imamovic won a travel grant from the organizers of the event. Other lucky ones from our agency also got into the program of participants: Regina Bikkinina, Alena Chekhova, Liza Paturel and Anastasia Popkova. The actresses will take part in round tables, master classes and have the opportunity to introduce themselves to casting directors and agents from the UK. Also Evgenia Akhremenko will speak at the forum.
“The actors were selected through a competition, a motivation letter and video materials, which helped the expert council to assess the level of acting skills and knowledge of the English language of the participants,” says curator of the Forum Yulia Khamitova.
This is an industrial summit held in partnership with Perkon Productions, the Casting Directors Guild of Russia, the European casting platform E-Talenta and the StarTalent agency, which is part of the Start video service group of companies.
The purpose of the Forum is to foster professional relationships between actors, agents, producers and casting directors from the UK, EU and Russia.