“Somebody else's Children” starring Elena Velikanova will open the line of premieres “Fantastic Melodramas” on “Domashny” on February 7
07 february 2022 · News

Today the "Domashny" Channel will host the premiere of the four-episode series "Somebody else's Children" will take place, which will be the first of the line of romantic premieres "Fantastic Melodramas". Elena Velikanova played one of the main roles in the series.

According to the plot, everything is fine in Daria's family: a loved man, a son, new plans. One day, her husband gets involved in a scam in the hope of getting a quick income, and this leads to complete ruin, now exorbitant debts hang on him. Daria's friend Masha offers an easy way to get money. There are also problems in Boris's family: his wife cannot get pregnant. Masha persuades Boris's wife to take a surrogate mother, or rather two mothers at once - in case one of them fails. But both get pregnant at the same time.