Evgenia Akhremenko filmed in the ‘Earth’ part of the feature film "The Challenge" by Klim Shipenko
23 may 2022 · News

Last year, the first in the history of mankind feature movie filmed in space called "The Challenge" began. The space drama is a joint project of Roscosmos, Channel One and Yellow, Black and White studios.
On October 5, 2021, members of the first film crew in history — actress Yulia Peresild, director Klim Shipenko, and cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov — flew into space. The whole world watched the launch of the rocket, the live broadcast of the historic launch took place in Russian, English, French and Spanish. The shooting of the "earthly" part of the film is now underway. In one of the roles, the actress of our agency, Evgenia Akhremenko, is being filmed.

The film tells about a girl doctor who flies into orbit to save an astronaut. So far, the creators have not announced the release date.