V Moskve proshla prem'yera fil'ma «Na solntse, vdol' ryadov kukuruzy» 65 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод The premiere of the film "In the sun, along the rows of corn" took place in Moscow
11 march 2023 · News

On March 16, a new film by Sarik Andreasyan with Mark Bogatyrev in one of the main roles called “In the sun, along the rows of corn” is released in Russian cinemas. Yesterday, the premiere of the film took place in the capital's cinema KARO 11 October.

The film is based on real events: this is the story of the commander of the Airbus A321 aircraft, Damir Yusupov, who managed to land the plane in a cornfield in 2019 with a partial failure of both engines, as a result of which all 233 passengers survived.