"Contact. Season Two” starring Ravshana Kurkova release on PREMIER online
01 september 2023 · News

PREMIER has released the first episodes of the new season of "Contact" - a drama series produced by the Production Company "Sreda" and Good Story Media about the relationship between children and parents in the era of social networks. One of the main roles was played by Ravshana Kurkova.
Gleb Barnashov is a cool opera, but demoted to a juvenile inspector. In addition, his wife left him, and he alone brings up his daughter Yulia, who hates him and blames him for breaking up with her mother. Barnashov is a man with principles, but he will have to give them up in order to establish contact with his daughter. To do this, he registers on the social network under the guise of a teenage guy.
In the second season, conflicts escalate again, but now it seems that the main characters are trying to find contact not with each other, but harmony with themselves.