A trailer for the holiday comedy "New Year's Chef" with Maria Dmitrieva has appeared online
08 november 2023 · News

A trailer for the festive comedy "New Year's Chef" with Maria Dmitrieva has appeared online. The premiere of the film in Russia is scheduled for December 14, 2023.
The main character is the owner of an expensive restaurant, whose business is not going very smoothly and all hope is for the most important holiday on New Year's Eve, because all the tables are already booked, but December 31 comes, and the chef leaves the restaurant together with his entire team! The situation is saved by the owner of the kitchen at home in a village near Moscow, who has a special gift-to awaken people with her dishes the best memories. The film was directed by Vasily Rovensky. He worked on the script together with Olga Klemeshova.