Evgeniya Akhremenko's friend became her on-screen rival
28 march 2019 · News

On April 5, on the Russian TVC channel, NRG film will present a new project - detective TV Series "Dama Tref" ("Queen of Clubs"). One of the main roles in it was played by our beautiful actress Evgeniya Akhremenko.

"This is a wonderful project! My close friend played a major role with me, there was a family feeling. We have been friends with Katya Solomatina for many years, our children go to the same school. And we played rivals! It was very interesting! The shooting went great!" - told Evgeniya.

In astrology the Queen of clubs is a queen that knows her place at the royal court and offers fierce resistance towards anyone who tries to knock her off the pedestal. The only thing that holds her back is uncertainty in her relationships. Watch the series soon to find out whether the card’s meaning has something in common with the plot.