Crime comedy 'All or nothing' with Evgeniya Akhremenko starring
29 november 2018 · News

Today, on the 29th of November, an adventure comedy 'All or nothing' with Evgeniya Akhremenko starring was released.
Evgeniya shared her impressions on the premiere: 'We were looking forward to the release. I played Lyuba, a wife of a businessman. She still believes in love but doesn't get it from her husband - tyrant. My Lyuba seems to be simple and plain, but then she surprises the viewers. The premiere went well, the viewers liked the movie. I advise everyone to watch this movie, it's much fun!'.

The main characters of the movie are middle-rank managers. Their workday is not just about computer games, business lunches and small-talk near the water cooler. They may become real distructive power, if their boss annoys them...