Marco Dinelli in the “Big Artist”
29 april 2019 · News

Actor of the GM Production Marco Dinelli took part in a new series “Big Artist”. The series has been shot in Sevastopol – the beloved moviemakers’ place. Amazing weather, the beauty of the place and its nature pleases an eye of every movie director and fascinates anyone who’s ever been there!

It’s also here, where the shootings of the new mini-series “The Big Artist” has been completed. The series is about love and evil plot of two powerful families. The directors of the series promise, that the audience will see everything: friendship, betrayal, commitment and unfaithfulness. As the director of the series sums up - the audience will see life, as it is. Nil Kropalov played the lead role of Gleb, that dreams of becoming famous. In the series also starred: Evgeny Sidihin, Egor Beroev, Sergey Batalov, Ekaterina Volkova and Maria Mironova.

The story of the series starts from the eighties. Young and handsome Gleb from a small town in Russia dreams of becoming an artist. However, on the way to fame he meets Alena Torshakova. Alena is from a family of influential civil servants of the USSR. Parents of Alena are deeply unhappy that Alena is dating such a poor guy, who can’t give Alena anything. The parents are willing to do anything for the future of their daughter. So, they found a perfect match for her to unite with an influential Vilenskys family.

The Torshakovs staged a bloody scene, as a result of which Alena and Gleb are forced to break up. Gleb went off to war in Afghanistan and his family received a death notice. The tandem of the two families - the Gorshakovs and Vilenskys with mixed success are winning over the post-Soviet area. However, in the end all of their hopes, that they are done with the past are faded.

Having survived captivity for three years in Afghanistan, injured and weak Gleb decided to escape. According to Dmitry Koryavov, the director of the movie: “It reminds a modern story about Monte Kristo. In its essence, it is an adventurous melodrama. As I see it: it is a parable, a discussion on the topic: if revenge can potentially lead to happiness?”.

Actor of the GM Production Marco Dinelli plays a role of an American, that helped Gleb during the war. According to the story, Dinelli lives in LA, nearby Hollywood. Dinelli plays one of the key roles, as it is him, who saves Gleb and helps him on his way to fame.

Marco Dinelli: “It’s my first time in Sevastopol. I really like the climate in Crimea. It’s quite soft after Moscow and the sky is clear. The only thing is that I didn’t swim in the sea. Since I am Italian, I am used to warm water around 25 degrees or more. I also noticed the similarity between the people in Crimea and Italy. Southern nations seem to be similar in their attitude to life – enjoying the climate, outgoing, loving the nature. It’s quite pleasant to feel and see the colors fin Crimea. In Moscow, where you predominantly see grey color, you can strongly feel lack of colors.”