"Dangerous Water" by Danila Kozlovsky
26 may 2019 · News

Actress of the GM Production Ravshana Kurkova will star in “Dangerous Water”, which is a second work of Danila Kozlovsky as a director of the film. “Dangerous Water” – is a thriller, based on a true story. All of the events that will be featured in the movie happened to the participants of the Chernobyl evacuation catastrophe. The movie by Danila Kozlovsky is dedicated to those, who participated in the prevention of the escalation of the catastrophe. These turned out to be as regular citizens volunteers, as well as representatives of such professions as: firemen, soldiers and divers. Thanks to them we were able to avoid an increasing number of victims. Similarly to “The Coach” - the previous work of Kozlovsky as a director, he is planning to direct the movie and have the leading role in it. Rodnyansky will be producing the movie. The shootings will take place in Zelenograd on a thermal power plant, which currently isn’t running.

The Chernobyl tragedy took place on the April 26, 1986. In two weeks after the first explosion, there is a danger of another explosion. The main hero of the film Aleksey, who will most probably be played by Danila Kozlovsky, will have to risk his life and try prevent this second explosion.
According to the storyline, Aleksey becomes a Chernobyl volunteer in order to get the apartment in Crimea, that each Chernobyl volunteer is supposed receive. Aleksey believes, that this apartment will help him to get closer to a woman, that he likes – Olga. Together with Alexey, there were other Chernobyl volunteers, such as engineer Valera and military diver Boris. There isn’t much time to undergo any special Chernobyl volunteer trainings, so evacuation plan is being built up in a huge rush. Aleksey decides to warn Olga, that he is going to escape to Pripyat, however he fails to reach her. Having left, he gets to know, that Olga’s son has been exposed to radiation. Willing to save both, Olga and her son, Alexey sends them to Kiev and returns to the hot spot.
According to Danila Kozlovsky: “Chernobyl – is a general term, that we all know. When I started to deepen into the topic, it turned out that most of the information, that I knew about Chernobyl catastrophe is close to be a myth. Obviously, it has to do with the heroic behavior of some people, of liquidators. The amount of technical equipment, that was allocated was enormous, empty streets, as it seems to me – it’s all unbelievably cinematic. Today it is hard to tell the difference between the reality and the fantasy. Our scenario is based on real events. To me this story is about a memory of a collective heroism by the people, who were doing their work. I would like public to know this breathtaking story.“