National film project “Ilyinsky Line”. Featuring Gleb Danilov and Karina Myndrovskaya
18 september 2019 · News

Voenfilm is preparing for the premiere of a war drama about the heroic deed of Podolsk cadets called "Ilyinsky line" (Russian: Il'inskiy rubezh). Before the start of the shooting period, the actors underwent a week of training in the military unit. To become real "cadets" the guys wore military uniforms, obeyed military discipline, respected the regime, lived in the barracks, and were engaged in combat and fire training. The actors of our agency Gleb Danilov (in the role of Slavik Nikitin) and Karina Mindrovskaya (Vera) played in the film.

In the fall of 1941, fifteen kilometers west of Maloyaroslavets on Varshavskoye Shosse, three and a half thousand cadets and teachers of the Podolsky infantry and artillery schools, along with regular units of the 43rd Army, blocked the way for Moscow to Hitler tank columns. They paid the highest price in those battles, voluntarily giving their lives in the fight against the Nazis. Most of the cadets perished, defending their positions against a numerically superior, professional, well-armed army that conquered half of Europe. The Nazis had already prepared uniforms and awards for the parade in Moscow, where they hoped to enter in a few days. But their victorious march was stopped at the Ilyinsky line and the Soviet command was given the opportunity to tighten reserves and ruin the Nazi plan of the Blitzkrieg. The world military history does not know such a massive feat of youth which was demonstrated by Podolsk cadets at the Ilyinsky line.

The film is not only about the war but also about love, real friendship and how boys become real men. About three and a half thousand cadets of two Podolsk schools and their commanders were sent to the last frontier in front of Moscow ... Most of them stayed at the frontier forever.