Veronika Lukyanenko on the screens: family comedy ‘Daddies’ will be aired on STB Channel in Ukraine on May 11
05 may 2020 · News

The premiere of the second season of the comedy series "Papanki" (Daddies) featuring Veronika Lukyanenko will take place on May 11. The first season consisted of 16 episodes and was a great success. The story, themed on “Sex and the City”, but turned inside out and fit into Ukrainian realities, appealed to the audience, which meant that a sequel was inevitable.

The main characters of the series are bosom friends and neighbors who live in the same courtyard of the Kiev apartment, and they are also daddies. The events of the second season occur six months after the first.

In the second season the main characters will face new challenges and adventures. In the family of Yegor and Sveta changes will occur due to lack of money. The reveler and the snake-tempter Sasha will find out that he has an adult son. The daughters of Nikita and Ira are already six months old, and this greatly affects the relationship of the couple. And here is Nikita’s work colleague adding fuel to the fire...