Tijana Markovic played one of the significant roles in the new Serbian series "Family"
30 march 2021 · News

The broadcast of the new mini-series "Family", which follows the last three days of the family of the former president of Serbia Sloboda Milosevic before the arrest started on the Superstar channel and on RTS on Monday. Tijana Marković played the role of of Sloboda's daughter Marija Milosevic. She was really glad to be cast for this project as she likes such stories about men's life: "I'm interested in stories about people. I am interested in a man with all his struggles, fears and weaknesses",said the actress in one of the interviews.

Before shooting Tijana was preparing for the role very thoroughly, including reading various books, newspaper articles, watching interviews and shows from those times and much more. "Playing a historical character is a great challenge, but also a great responsibility. It is about a person who is alive, who will watch it, it is about someone's life, emotions and wounds that may not have healed to this day. The "character" is not important, the man is important, and when you approach them in that way, then there is no condemnation. All that remains is understanding. And, if I ever met Maria on the street, I would surely hug her, at least in my mind", shared the actress.