Actors of GM Production agency at the All-Russian Festival of Short Films ‘Dream’
13 august 2021 · News

On August 10, the first day of the All-Russian annual film festival of short films "Dream" took place in Moscow. This year, the event is held both offline at the best venues in Moscow and online, and will last until August 15. The festival is organized on the initiative of the legendary director Alexander Mitta.

Andrew Nesterenko giving an interview

Evgeniya Akhremenko on the right

Anna Klinskaya
Every day the jury and the audience watch from 10 to 15 short films. Moreover, all participants can discuss their work with real professionals in the film industry and the media.
“Thousands of talented film school graduates have become filmmakers, created many short films, and our festival is a great opportunity to show these works, choose the best ones, encourage participation, enthusiasm and results we can be proud of,” says the president of the film festival, Gennady Ivanov.

Maria Dmitriyeva

Mira Albor
The works shown on the first day touched upon various topics: the loneliness of war invalids, the true face of "Internet experts", environmental pollution, parental cruelty, the ambiguity of our world for a being from outer space, etc. - and about 20 more finalist films await the award ceremony on August 15 at the House of Cinema. May the best win!