Alina Grosu and Dmitry Solomykin began filming in a melodramatic story with elements of the detective and horror "Veronica"
20 december 2021 · News

The film crew of the Kievtelefilm Film Company, headed by Sergey Shcherbin, began work on the TV-Series ‘Veronica’ series. Alina Grosu and Dmitry Solomykin will play key roles in the series. The shooting of the 8-episode film will take place in Kiev and Kier region, and will last until February 2022. The premiere will be aired on Ukraine TV channel.
According to the director, this is a melodramatic story with elements of detective and horror, in the center of the plot of which is a young woman surgeon, Veronica. Tragic news breaks the regularity of the main character's life at one point: under strange circumstances, two of her friends die. Not trusting the investigation, she decides to independently get to the bottom of the truth and find out the names of those responsible for their deaths. However, miscalculating her strength, she finds herself in a deadly trap, from which she cannot get out alone ...
“In addition to the melodramatic line, there is a detective component in the script, as well as certain elements of a horror film. And there are things that really need to be filmed according to the laws of these genres in order to tickle the nerves of the viewer a little, so that it was interesting for them to observe the events taking place, "- Sergey Shcherbin shares the details, noting that while working on the picture, the team will try to recreate the atmosphere of 1890s London on set.