TV Series and Films featuring GM Production actors entered the long list of the APKiT Awards
26 january 2022 · News

A lot of series in 2021 with actors from our agency will take part in the Xth prestigious National Cinematographic Award APKiT in various categories. The list of nominees is published on the website of the Association of Film and Television Producers.
The serial premieres “CONTRACT FOR HAPPINESS” with Veronika Norina and “BEAUTY OF HEAVENLY” with Anna Nemchenko in the title role claim the title of “Best mini-series” with a duration of up to 4 episodes.
For the title of the Best series (5-24 episodes) will compete:
DUSHEGUBY (Anna Nemchenko)
INSOMNIA (Tamara Krtsunovich)
HISTORIAN (Alena Chekhova)
CASPIY-24 (Lyudmila Svitova)
CONTACT (Ravshana Kurkova)
MAGISTRAL (Anton Pampushny, Oleg Taktarov)
ON THE OTHER SIDE OF DEATH - 2 (Alexey Fateev, Edgar Gizatullin)
CHIKATILO (Yulia Proskuryakova)
RUGBY (Anna Nemchenko)
Best Comedy Series:
BESPRINTSYPNITYE- SEASON 2 (Marco Dinelli, Kirill Popov)
SECRETS OF FAMILY LIFE (Ekaterina Steblina)
Best Feature Film:
PALMA (Arthur Ivanov)
UCHYONOSTI PLODY (Dmitry Solomykin, Michael Epp)
CHERNOBYL (Ravshana Kurkova)
We are especially proud of the nomination “Best Actor of the Series”, in which Anton Pampushny takes part for the main role in the TV series “MAGISTRAL” produced by Gamma Production for NTV Channel.
Oleg Taktarov became a nominee in the category “Best Supporting Actor in a Series” for his work in the project “SANIA, GAZOY!” produced by CKAZKA for Okko video service.
Ravshana Kurkova (CONTACT) and Evgenia Akhremenko (SURROGATE MOTHER) became contenders for the victory in the nomination “Best Supporting Actress in the Series”.
In total, the long list of the Award includes 147 projects, the premieres of which took place on Russian screens in 2021. The APKiT Award has been held since 2013. This is the only professional Prize in Russia, awarded on the basis of an expert assessment of producers to Russian TV series and film projects, and also celebrating the achievements of their creators. The jury is formed from representatives of film companies that are members of the Association of Film and Television Producers.